1. Components
  2. Layout
  3. Scroll area

Scroll area

Augments native scroll functionality for custom, cross-browser styling.

Principles of the typographic craft

Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics. Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used synonymously, typographically they are separate but related concepts.

Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult to distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.

Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the legibility of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces legibility.

<div className="rounded-md border p-6">
  <ScrollArea className="h-72 w-full max-w-sm" type="always">
    <div className="space-y-4 p-4 pr-8">
      <h4 className="text-md font-bold">Principles of the typographic craft</h4>
        Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics.
        Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used synonymously,
        typographically they are separate but related concepts.
        Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one
        another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and
        recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult to
        distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.
        Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the
        correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters
        that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the legibility
        of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces legibility.


npx dotui-cli@latest add scroll-area


Use ScrollArea to augment native scroll functionality for custom, cross-browser styling.



Use the size prop to control the size of the scrollbar.

Principles of the typographic craft

Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics. Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used synonymously, typographically they are separate but related concepts.

Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult to distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.

Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the legibility of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces legibility.

Principles of the typographic craft

Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics. Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used synonymously, typographically they are separate but related concepts.

Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult to distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.

Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the legibility of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces legibility.

Principles of the typographic craft

Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics. Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used synonymously, typographically they are separate but related concepts.

Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult to distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.

Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the legibility of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces legibility.

<div className="rounded-md border p-3">
  <ScrollArea size={size} className="h-72" type="always">
    <div className="space-y-4 p-4 pr-8">
      <h4 className="text-md font-bold">Principles of the typographic craft</h4>
        Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics.
        Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used
        synonymously, typographically they are separate but related concepts.
        Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one
        another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and
        recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult
        to distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.
        Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the
        correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters
        that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the
        legibility of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces


Control the scrollable axes using the scrollbars prop.

Principles of the typographic craft

Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics. Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used synonymously, typographically they are separate but related concepts.

Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult to distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.

Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the legibility of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces legibility.

Principles of the typographic craft

Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics. Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used synonymously, typographically they are separate but related concepts.

Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult to distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.

Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the legibility of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces legibility.

<div className="rounded-md border p-6">
    scrollbars={scrollbars as ScrollAreaProps["scrollbars"]}
    className="h-44 w-full max-w-sm"
    <div className="flex w-[500px] items-start gap-4">
      <div className="space-y-4 p-4 pr-8">
        <h4 className="text-md font-bold">Principles of the typographic craft</h4>
          Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics.
          Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used
          synonymously, typographically they are separate but related concepts.
          Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one
          another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and
          recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult
          to distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.
          Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the
          correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters
          that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the
          legibility of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces
      <div className="space-y-4 p-4 pr-8">
        <h4 className="text-md font-bold">Principles of the typographic craft</h4>
          Three fundamental aspects of typography are legibility, readability, and aesthetics.
          Although in a non-technical sense “legible” and “readable” are often used
          synonymously, typographically they are separate but related concepts.
          Legibility describes how easily individual characters can be distinguished from one
          another. It is described by Walter Tracy as “the quality of being decipherable and
          recognisable”. For instance, if a “b” and an “h”, or a “3” and an “8”, are difficult
          to distinguish at small sizes, this is a problem of legibility.
          Typographers are concerned with legibility insofar as it is their job to select the
          correct font to use. Brush Script is an example of a font containing many characters
          that might be difficult to distinguish. The selection of cases influences the
          legibility of typography because using only uppercase letters (all-caps) reduces

API Reference

ScrollArea accepts all HTML div element props and the following:

'auto' | 'always' | 'scroll' | 'hover'
Describes the nature of scrollbar visibility.
If type is set to either 'scroll' or 'hover', this prop determines the length of time, in milliseconds, before the scrollbars are hidden after the user stops interacting with scrollbars.
'ltr' | 'rtl'
The reading direction of the scroll area
'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both'
Controls the scrollable axes.

Last updated on 10/11/2024